This is a document for PGroonga 2.0.0 or later. See PGroonga 1.X document when you're using PGroonga 1.X.

pgroonga.enable_trace_log parameter

Since 3.0.8.


pgroonga.enable_trace_log parameter controls whether trace log is enabled or not.

If you enable trace log, PGroonga performance will be decreased.

Trace logs are logged as notice log level messages.

The default value is off. It means that trace logs aren't logged.



SET pgroonga.enable_trace_log = boolean;

In postgresql.conf:

pgroonga.enable_trace_log = boolean

boolean is a boolean value. There are some literals for boolean value such as on, off, true, false, yes and no.


Here is an example SQL to enable trace log:

SET pgroonga.enable_trace_log = on;

Here is an example configuration to enable trace log:

pgroonga.enable_trace_log = on

See also