This is a document for PGroonga 2.0.0 or later. See PGroonga 1.X document when you're using PGroonga 1.X.

pgroonga.enable_crash_safe parameter

Since 2.3.3.


pgroonga.enable_crash_safe parameter controls whether crash safe feature is enabled or not.

Note that you must add pgroonga_crash_safer module to shared_preload_libraries parameter value when you set on to pgroonga.enable_crash_safe parameter.

See also: Crash safe


You must set pgroonga.enable_crash_safe in postgresql.conf:

pgroonga.enable_crash_safe = boolean

boolean is a boolean value. There are some literals for boolean value such as on, off, true, false, yes and no.


Here is an example configration to enable crash safe feature:

shared_preload_libraries = 'pgroonga_crash_safer'
pgroonga.enable_crash_safe = on

See also