This is a document for PGroonga 2.X and 3.X. See PGroonga 1.x document when you're using old PGroonga.

&=~ operator

Since 3.0.0.


&=~ operator performs equal search with query.

Query's syntax is similar to syntax that is used in Web search engine. For example, you can use OR search by KEYWORD1 OR KEYWORD2 in query, AND search by KEYWORD1 KEYWORD2 in query and NOT search by KEYWORD1 -KEYWORD2 in query.


There is one signature:

column &=~ query
column &=~ (query, weights, index_name)::pgroonga_full_text_search_condition

The first signature is simpler than others. The first signature is enough for most cases.

The second signature is useful to optimize search score. For example, you can implement "title is more important than content" for blog application.

The second signature is available since 3.0.8.

Here is the description of the first signature.

column &=~ query

column is a column to be searched. It's text[] type or varchar[] type.

query is a query for equal search. It's text type.

Groonga's query syntax is used in query.

Here is the description of the second signature.

column &@~ (query, weights, index_name)::pgroonga_full_text_search_condition

column is a column to be searched. It's text[] type or varchar[] type.

query is a query for equal search. It's text type.

weights must be NULL for now.

index_name is an index name of the corresponding PGroonga index. It's text type.

index_name can be NULL.

It's for using the same search options specified in PGroonga index in sequential search.

It's available since 3.0.8.

Operator classes

You need to specify one of the following operator classes to use this operator:


Here are sample schema and data for examples:

  id integer,
  names text[]

CREATE INDEX pgroonga_tag_names_index ON tags
 USING pgroonga (names pgroonga_text_array_term_search_ops_v2);
INSERT INTO tags VALUES (1, ARRAY['PostgreSQL', 'PG']);
INSERT INTO tags VALUES (2, ARRAY['Groonga', 'grn', 'groonga']);
INSERT INTO tags VALUES (3, ARRAY['PGroonga', 'pgrn', 'SQL']);

You can perform equal search with multiple keywords by &=~ operator like KEYWORD1 KEYWORD2. You can also do OR search by KEYWORD1 OR KEYWORD2:

SELECT * FROM tags WHERE names &=~ 'grn OR sql';
--  id |         names         
-- ----+-----------------------
--   2 | {Groonga,grn,groonga}
--   3 | {PGroonga,pgrn,SQL}
-- (2 rows)

See also