This is a document for PGroonga 2.0.0 or later. See PGroonga 1.X document when you're using PGroonga 1.X.

pgroonga_match_positions_character function

Since 1.1.1.


pgroonga_match_positions_character function returns positions of the specified keywords in the specified text. The unit of position is character. If you want to highlight keywords for HTML output, pgroonga_snippet_html function or pgroonga_highlight_html function will be suitable. pgroonga_match_positions_character function is for advanced use.

If you want in byte version, see pgroonga_match_positions_byte instead.


There are two signatures:

integer[2][] pgroonga_match_positions_character(target, ARRAY[keyword1, keyword2, ...])
integer[2][] pgroonga_match_positions_character(target, ARRAY[keyword1, keyword2, ...], index_name)

The first signature is simpler than others. The first signature is enough for most cases.

The second signature is useful when you use custom normalizer.

The second signature is available since 2.2.8.

Here is the description of the first signature.

integer[2][] pgroonga_match_positions_character(target, ARRAY[keyword1, keyword2, ...])

target is a text to be searched. It's text type.

keyword1, keyword2, ... are keywords to be found. They're an array of text type. You must specify one or more keywords.

pgroonga_match_positions_character returns an array of positions.

Position consists of offset and length. Offset is the start character from the beginning. Length is the number of characters of matched text. Length may be different size with the length of keyword. Because keyword and matched text are normalized.

Here is the description of the second signature.

integer[2][] pgroonga_match_positions_character(target, ARRAY[keyword1, keyword2, ...], index_name)

target is a text to be searched. It's text type.

keyword1, keyword2, ... are keywords to be found. They're an array of text type. You must specify one or more keywords.

index_name is an index name of the corresponding PGroonga index. It's text type.

index_name can be NULL.

If you aren't using NormalizerAuto normalizer such as NormalizerNFKC100, it's better that you use index_name. This function uses NormalizerAuto normalizer by default. It may cause unexpected result.

Here is an example:

  content text

CREATE INDEX pgroonga_content_index
          ON memos
       USING pgroonga (content)
        WITH (normalizer='NormalizerNFKC121');

Now, you can use pgroonga_content_index as index_name:

SELECT pgroonga_match_positions_character('Reiwa: ㋿',
--  pgroonga_match_positions_character 
-- ------------------------------------
--  {{7,1}}
-- (1 row)

pgroonga_match_positions_character returns an array of positions.

Position consists of offset and length. Offset is the start character from the beginning. Length is the number of characters of matched text. Length may be different size with the length of keyword. Because keyword and matched text are normalized.


You need to specify at least one keyword:

SELECT pgroonga_match_positions_character('PGroonga is a PostgreSQL extension.',
                                          ARRAY['PostgreSQL']) AS match_positions_character;
--  match_positions_character 
-- ---------------------------
--  {{14,10}}
-- (1 row)

You can specify multiple keywords:

SELECT pgroonga_match_positions_character('PGroonga is a PostgreSQL extension.',
                                          ARRAY['Groonga', 'PostgreSQL']) AS match_positions_character;
--  match_positions_character 
-- ---------------------------
--  {{1,7},{14,10}}
-- (1 row)

You can extract keywords from query by pgroonga_query_extract_keywords function:

SELECT pgroonga_match_positions_character('PGroonga is a PostgreSQL extension.',
                                          pgroonga_query_extract_keywords('Groonga PostgreSQL -extension')) AS match_positions_character;
--  match_positions_character 
-- ---------------------------
--  {{1,7},{14,10}}
-- (1 row)

Characters are normalized:

SELECT pgroonga_match_positions_character('PGroonga + pglogical = replicatable!',
                                          ARRAY['Pg']) AS match_positions_character;
--  match_positions_character 
-- ---------------------------
--  {{0,2},{11,2}}
-- (1 row)

Multibyte characters are also supported:

SELECT pgroonga_match_positions_character('10㌖先にある100キログラムの米',
                                          ARRAY['キロ']) AS match_positions_character;
--  match_positions_character 
-- ---------------------------
--  {{2,1},{10,2}}
-- (1 row)

Custom normalizer can be used by specifying a PGroonga index name:

  content text

CREATE INDEX pgroonga_content_index
          ON memos
       USING pgroonga (content)
        WITH (normalizer='NormalizerNFKC121');

SELECT pgroonga_match_positions_character('Reiwa: ㋿',
--  pgroonga_match_positions_character 
-- ------------------------------------
--  {{7,1}}
-- (1 row)

See also