This is a document for PGroonga 2.0.0 or later. See PGroonga 1.X document when you're using PGroonga 1.X.
We need to make a new table for registering synonyms to search synonym.
We explain how to register synonyms, delete synonyms, update synonyms, search synonyms, and make a table for register synonyms.
We make a table to register synonyms as below.
CREATE TABLE synonyms (
term text PRIMARY KEY,
synonyms text[]
CREATE INDEX synonyms_search ON synonyms USING pgroonga (term pgroonga_text_term_search_ops_v2);
We can get a term that is registered in synonyms
with a key that is registered in term
For example, if we want to also match "display" when specifying "window" as the search keyword, register "window" to term
and register "window" and "display" to synonyms
Note that we attention to need also register target synonym term to synonyms
We set up PGroonga's index to be able to run fast search term
without case-sensitivity.
We can register multiple synonyms into synonyms
because type of synonyms
is text[]
We can register synonyms by inserting data into synonyms
For example, if we want to register "Window", "display", and "video display" as synonyms, we can insert these terms into the table that registers synonyms as below.
INSERT INTO synonyms (term, synonyms) VALUES ('Window', ARRAY['Window', 'display', 'video display']);
INSERT INTO synonyms (term, synonyms) VALUES ('display', ARRAY['display', 'Window', 'video display']);
INSERT INTO synonyms (term, synonyms) VALUES ('video display', ARRAY['video display', 'Window', 'display']);
There are three patterns to add synonyms.
We can add synonyms in the same way as register synonyms. For example, if we want to add "copy", "replicate", and "simulate" as synonyms, we insert these terms into the table that registers synonyms as below.
INSERT INTO synonyms (term, synonyms) VALUES ('copy', ARRAY['copy', 'replicate', 'simulate']);
INSERT INTO synonyms (term, synonyms) VALUES ('replicate', ARRAY['replicate', 'copy', 'simulate']);
INSERT INTO synonyms (term, synonyms) VALUES ('simulate', ARRAY['simulate', 'copy', 'replicate']);
If we want to add new synonyms in the existing one, we update the existing record. For example, if we also want to match "imitate" when we use "copy" as a search key word.
UPDATE synonyms SET synonyms = array_append(synonyms, 'imitate') WHERE term = 'copy';
UPDATE synonyms SET synonyms = array_append(synonyms, 'imitate') WHERE term = 'replicate';
UPDATE synonyms SET synonyms = array_append(synonyms, 'imitate') WHERE term = 'simulate';
"imitate" is new synonym. Therefore we add record into synonyms
by using INSERT
as below.
INSERT INTO synonyms (term, synonyms) VALUES ('imitate', ARRAY['imitate', 'copy', 'replicate', 'simulate']);
If we want to modify an existing record, we can modify it with UPDATE statement. For example, if we want to modify "Windows" to "Window", we do as below.
UPDATE synonyms SET synonyms = array_replace(synonyms, 'Windows', 'Window') WHERE term = 'display' OR term = 'video display' OR term = 'Windows';
UPDATE synonyms SET term = 'Window' WHERE term = 'Windows';
If we want to delete existing synonyms, we can delete record from synonyms
For example, if we want to delete "Window" from synonyms, we as below.
UPDATE synonyms SET synonyms = array_remove(synonyms, 'Window');
DELETE FROM synonyms WHERE term = 'Window';
We can use pgroonga_query_expand
function to search of synonyms.
See pgroonga_query_expand
function for more details.
For example, if we search synonyms of "window", we do as below.
First, we make a synonyms table.
CREATE TABLE synonyms (
term text PRIMARY KEY,
synonyms text[]
CREATE INDEX synonyms_search ON synonyms USING pgroonga (term pgroonga_text_term_search_ops_v2);
Second, we register synonyms into synonyms table.
INSERT INTO synonyms (term, synonyms) VALUES ('Window', ARRAY['Window', 'display', 'video display']);
INSERT INTO synonyms (term, synonyms) VALUES ('display', ARRAY['display', 'Window', 'video display']);
INSERT INTO synonyms (term, synonyms) VALUES ('video display', ARRAY['video display', 'Window', 'display']);
Third, we execute full-text-search with synonyms.
id integer,
content text
INSERT INTO memos VALUES (1, 'Window for PC is very low price!!!');
INSERT INTO memos VALUES (2, 'Hight quality video display low price!');
INSERT INTO memos VALUES (3, 'This is junk display.');
CREATE INDEX pgroonga_content_index ON memos USING pgroonga (content);
content &@~
pgroonga_query_expand('synonyms', 'term', 'synonyms', 'Window');
-- id | content
-- ----+----------------------------------------
-- 1 | Window for PC is very low price!!!
-- 2 | Hight quality video display low price!
-- 3 | This is junk display.
-- (3 rows)