

Use the following enviroment values.

Bump version

$ rake version:update NEW_VERSION=x.x.x

Update change log for Debian and CentOS packages

$ rake package:version:update

Check whether we can make packages or not

We confirm below CIs green or not.

Check whether we can build packages on nightly repository of

For Ubuntu, packages are provided by PPA on

We have nightly and ppa repositories on nightly is for testing, and ppa is for distributing.

We should test whether we can build packages for Ubuntu on the nightly repository before tagging.

Tagging for the release

$ rake tag

Download an archive file

Donwload the archive file (pgroonga-x.x.x.tar.gz) from the GitHub Releases page and move it to a working directory of your local PGroonga repository.

Upload an archive file

$ rake package:source

Create packages for the release

Debian GNU/Linux

$ rake package:apt


For Ubuntu, packages are provided by PPA on


$ rake package:yum


For Windows packages, we don't need to execute anything.

Windows packages are uploaded automatically by actions of GitHub Actions.

Describe the changes

We need to update to announce the new release.

We describe to news/ summarize changes from before version.

We also update below items in _config.yml.

Update the repository

We update the repository in the following steps.

Clone the repository:

$ git clone

Update repositories for Debian GNU/Linux and CentOS:

$ cd
$ rake apt
$ rake yum

Update Docker images

We update PGroonga's Docker images of Docker Hub.

Clone PGroonga's Docker repository and update Dockerfiles in tha repository.

Here is an example for the case that the PGroonga version is 2.4.1, and the Groonga version is 12.0.9.

$ mkdir -p ~/work/pgroonga
$ rm -rf ~/work/pgroonga/docker.clean
$ git clone --recursive ~/work/pgroonga/docker.clean
$ cd ~/work/pgroonga/docker.clean
$ ./ 2.4.1 12.0.9 #Automatically update Dockerfiles and commit changes and create a tag.
$ git push --tags

You have to specify the latest versions.

After you check GitHub Actions of the PGroonga's Docker repository are succeeded, push tag to remote.

$ git push --tags

GitHub Actions of the PGroonga's Docker repository automatically update the PGroonga's docker images of Docker Hub after you push the tag.

Announce release

Announce release for mailing list

We send release announcement to PostgreSQL mailing list if we have big news.

Your PostgreSQL account must belong to PGroonga project for announcement. Please contact a project member in order to join PGroonga project.

Announce release for GitHub Discussions

We make release announcement in GitHub Discussions.

Announce release for blog

We make release announce in blogs that are published and .

We update blogs in the following steps.

Clone blog source repository.

Make below files in blog source repository.

We can confirm blogs by the following steps.

Install required libraries:

$ bundle update

Start Web server:

$ jekyll serve --watch

We access http://localhost:4000 on our browser.

Announce release for Facebook

We have Groonga group in Facebbok. If you into Groonga group as a member, you can post as a member of Groonga group.

We post announce based on the blog and news.

Announce release for twitter

Click Tweet link in PGroonga blog entry. We can share tweet about latest release. If we use tweet link, title of release announce and URL is embedded into our tweet.

Execute sharing tweet in Japanese and English version of blog entry. Note that this tweet should be done when logged in by groonga account.