This is a document for PGroonga 2.0.0 or later. See PGroonga 1.X document when you're using PGroonga 1.X.
operatorSince 1.2.1.
operator searches records with search condition written in script syntax. Script syntax is a powerful syntax. You can use many operations such as full text search, prefix search, range search and so on.
column &` script
is a column to be searched. It's text
type, text[]
type or varchar
is a script that specifies search conditions. It's text
type for text
type or text[]
type column
. It's varchar
type for varchar
type column
Syntax in script
is script syntax.
You need to specify one of the following operator classes to use this operator:
: Default for text
: Default for text[]
: For varchar
Here are sample schema and data for examples:
id integer,
content text
CREATE INDEX pgroonga_content_index ON memos
USING pgroonga (id, content);
INSERT INTO memos VALUES (1, 'PostgreSQL is a relational database management system.');
INSERT INTO memos VALUES (2, 'Groonga is a fast full text search engine that supports all languages.');
INSERT INTO memos VALUES (3, 'PGroonga is a PostgreSQL extension that uses Groonga as index.');
INSERT INTO memos VALUES (4, 'There is groonga command.');
You can specify complex conditions by &`
SELECT * FROM memos WHERE content &` 'id >= 2 && (content @ "engine" || content @ "rdbms")';
-- id | content
-- ----+------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- 2 | Groonga is a fast full text search engine that supports all languages.
-- (1 row)
The specified script 'id >= 2 && (content @ "engine" || content @ "rdbms")'
must be 2 or more larger (range search)
must contain "engine"
or "rdbms"
(full text search)
You can also use functions in the script.
You can't use this operator with sequential scan.