This is a document for PGroonga 2.0.0 or later. See PGroonga 1.X document when you're using PGroonga 1.X.

pgroonga_wal_applier module

Since 2.3.3.

The pgroonga_wal_applier module is deprecated since 2.4.2. Use the pgroonga_standby_maintainer module instead.


pgroonga_wal_applier module applies pending WAL periodically by pgroonga_wal_apply function.

You must use pgroonga_wal_applier module when you want to limit the max WAL size by setting pgroonga.max_wal_size parameter.

You don't need to use pgroonga_wal_applier module on primary server because there is no pending WAL. You need to use pgroonga_wal_applier module only on standby servers.


You can use pgroonga_wal_applier module by adding pgroonga_wal_applier to shared_preload_libraries parameter.

For example:

shared_preload_libraries = 'pgroonga_wal_applier'


See also