This is a document for PGroonga 2.0.0 or later. See PGroonga 1.X document when you're using PGroonga 1.X.
functionSince 2.1.7.
function tokenizes a text into tokens using a Groonga's normalizer module, Groonga's tokenizer module and Groonga's token filter modules.
Here is the syntax of this function:
json[] pgroonga_tokenize(target,
'tokenizer', tokenizer,
'normalizer', normalizer,
'token_filters', token_filters)
All of 'tokenizer'
, 'normalizer'
and 'token_filters'
are optional. But you must specify one of them.
For example, the followings are all valid:
SELECT pgroonga_tokenize('text',
'tokenizer', 'TokenBigram');
SELECT pgroonga_tokenize('text',
'normalizer', 'NormalizerNFKC100');
SELECT pgroonga_tokenize('text',
'token_filters', 'TokenFilterNFKC100');
SELECT pgroonga_tokenize('text',
'tokenizer', 'TokenBigram',
'normalizer', 'NormalizerNFKC100');
SELECT pgroonga_tokenize('text',
'tokenizer', 'TokenBigram',
'token_filters', 'TokenFilterNFKC100');
SELECT pgroonga_tokenize('text',
'normalizer', 'NormalizerNFKC100',
'token_filters', 'TokenFilterNFKC100');
SELECT pgroonga_tokenize('text',
'tokenizer', 'TokenBigram',
'normalizer', 'NormalizerNFKC100',
'token_filters', 'TokenFilterNFKC100');
But the following is invalid:
SELECT pgroonga_tokenize('text');
is a text
type value to be tokenized.
is a text
type value which specifies the tokenizer module you want to use.
is a text
type value which specifies the normalizer module you want to use.
is a text
type value which specifies the token filter modules you want to use.
It returns tokenized result as json[]
type. Each element represents a token by JSON. Each JSON uses the following format:
"value": token,
"position": position,
"force_prefix_search": force_prefix_search
is a text.
is a number that shows the number of token.
is a boolean that shows the token should be processed with prefix search.
A token may have metadata. Token that has metadata use the following format:
"value": token,
"position": position,
"force_prefix_search": force_prefix_search,
"metadata": {
"metadata_name_1": "metadata_value_1",
"metadata_name_2": "metadata_value_2",
"metadata_name_N": "metadata_value_N"
Both of metadata name and value are text.
You can tokenize a text
type value with the specified tokenizer:
SELECT pgroonga_tokenize('aBcDe 123',
'tokenizer', 'TokenNgram');
-- {"{\"value\":\"aB\",\"position\":0,\"force_prefix_search\":false}",...}
You can use jsonb_pretty
to format the output:
SELECT jsonb_pretty(token::jsonb)
SELECT unnest(pgroonga_tokenize('aBcDe 123',
'tokenizer', 'TokenNgram'))
AS token
) AS tokens;
-- jsonb_pretty
-- ----------------------------------
-- { +
-- "value": "aB", +
-- "position": 0, +
-- "force_prefix_search": false+
-- }
-- { +
-- "value": "Bc", +
-- "position": 1, +
-- "force_prefix_search": true +
-- }
-- { +
-- "value": "cD", +
-- "position": 2, +
-- "force_prefix_search": true +
-- }
-- { +
-- "value": "De", +
-- "position": 3, +
-- "force_prefix_search": true +
-- }
-- { +
-- "value": "e ", +
-- "position": 4, +
-- "force_prefix_search": true +
-- }
-- { +
-- "value": " 1", +
-- "position": 5, +
-- "force_prefix_search": true +
-- }
-- { +
-- "value": "12", +
-- "position": 6, +
-- "force_prefix_search": true +
-- }
-- { +
-- "value": "23", +
-- "position": 7, +
-- "force_prefix_search": true +
-- }
-- { +
-- "value": "3", +
-- "position": 8, +
-- "force_prefix_search": true +
-- }
-- (9 rows)
You can specify options to each modules:
SELECT jsonb_pretty(token::jsonb)
SELECT unnest(
pgroonga_tokenize('This is a pen. これはペンです。',
'tokenizer', 'TokenMecab("include_class", true)',
'token_filters', 'TokenFilterNFKC100("unify_kana", true)'))
AS token
) AS tokens;
-- jsonb_pretty
-- ---------------------------------------
-- { +
-- "value": "this", +
-- "metadata": { +
-- "class": "名詞", +
-- "subclass0": "固有名詞", +
-- "subclass1": "組織" +
-- }, +
-- "position": 0, +
-- "force_prefix_search": false +
-- }
-- { +
-- "value": "i", +
-- "metadata": { +
-- "class": "記号", +
-- "subclass0": "アルファベット"+
-- }, +
-- "position": 1, +
-- "force_prefix_search": true +
-- }
-- { +
-- "value": "s", +
-- "metadata": { +
-- "class": "記号", +
-- "subclass0": "アルファベット"+
-- }, +
-- "position": 2, +
-- "force_prefix_search": true +
-- }
-- { +
-- "value": "a", +
-- "metadata": { +
-- "class": "記号", +
-- "subclass0": "アルファベット"+
-- }, +
-- "position": 3, +
-- "force_prefix_search": true +
-- }
-- { +
-- "value": "pen", +
-- "metadata": { +
-- "class": "名詞", +
-- "subclass0": "一般" +
-- }, +
-- "position": 4, +
-- "force_prefix_search": true +
-- }
-- { +
-- "value": ".", +
-- "metadata": { +
-- "class": "記号", +
-- "subclass0": "句点" +
-- }, +
-- "position": 5, +
-- "force_prefix_search": true +
-- }
-- { +
-- "value": "これ", +
-- "metadata": { +
-- "class": "名詞", +
-- "subclass0": "代名詞", +
-- "subclass1": "一般" +
-- }, +
-- "position": 6, +
-- "force_prefix_search": true +
-- }
-- { +
-- "value": "は", +
-- "metadata": { +
-- "class": "助詞", +
-- "subclass0": "係助詞" +
-- }, +
-- "position": 7, +
-- "force_prefix_search": true +
-- }
-- { +
-- "value": "ぺん", +
-- "metadata": { +
-- "class": "名詞", +
-- "subclass0": "一般" +
-- }, +
-- "position": 8, +
-- "force_prefix_search": true +
-- }
-- { +
-- "value": "です", +
-- "metadata": { +
-- "class": "助動詞" +
-- }, +
-- "position": 9, +
-- "force_prefix_search": true +
-- }
-- { +
-- "value": "。", +
-- "metadata": { +
-- "class": "記号", +
-- "subclass0": "句点" +
-- }, +
-- "position": 10, +
-- "force_prefix_search": true +
-- }
-- (11 rows)