This is a document for PGroonga 2.0.0 or later. See PGroonga 1.X document when you're using PGroonga 1.X.
function set whether you can change PGroonga data or not. Normally, you don't need to change it.
You can implement online backup with this function. You need to keep the following conditions to use this use case:
You must call SELECT pgroonga_command('io_flush', ARRAY['only_opened', 'yes'])
in the same session after you change your data.
You must disable autovacuum for tables that use PGroonga index. You can use autovacuum_enabled
storage parameter of CREATE TABLE
to disable autovacuum only for these tables. Note that you need to run VACUUM
manually when you disable autovacuum.
You must enable PGroonga's WAL.
Here is the syntax of this function:
bool pgroonga_set_writable(new_writable)
is a bool
type value. true
means writable and false
is read-only.
It returns whether writable or not before changing the current state.
Here are sample schema and data:
SET pgroonga.enable_wal = yes;
content text
CREATE INDEX pgroonga_memos_index
ON memos
USING pgroonga (content);
INSERT INTO memos VALUES ('PGroonga (PostgreSQL+Groonga) is great!');
You can't change the PGroonga index after you pass false
to pgroonga_set_writable
SELECT pgroonga_set_writable(false);
-- pgroonga_set_writable
-- -----------------------
-- t
-- (1 row)
INSERT INTO memos VALUES ('Groonga is great!');
-- ERROR: pgroonga: can't insert a record while pgroonga.writable is false
SELECT pgroonga_set_writable(true);
-- pgroonga_set_writable
-- -----------------------
-- f
-- (1 row)
INSERT INTO memos VALUES ('Groonga is great!');
-- INSERT 0 1
You can implement online backup with this function. You need to keep the following conditions to use this use case:
You must call SELECT pgroonga_command('io_flush', ARRAY['only_opened', 'yes'])
in the same session after you change your data.
You must disable autovacuum for tables that use PGroonga index. You can use autovacuum_enabled
storage parameter of CREATE TABLE
to disable auto vacuum only for these tables. Note that you need to run VACUUM
manually when you disable auto vacuum.
You must enable PGroonga's WAL.
You must add the following configuration to your postgresql.conf
pgroonga.enable_wal = yes
You must disable autovacuum:
content text
) WITH (autovacuum_enabled = false);
CREATE INDEX pgroonga_memos_index
ON memos
USING pgroonga (content);
You must call SELECT pgroonga_command('io_flush', ARRAY['only_opened', 'yes'])
in the same session after you change your data:
INSERT INTO memos VALUES ('PGroonga (PostgreSQL+Groonga) is great!');
SELECT pgroonga_command('io_flush', ARRAY['only_opened', 'yes']);
It's recommended that you run VACUUM
manually before you create backup:
SELECT pgroonga_command('io_flush', ARRAY['only_opened', 'yes']);
You must make your PGroonga data read-only before you create backup:
SELECT pgroonga_set_writable(false);
SELECT pgroonga_command('io_flush', ARRAY['only_opened', 'yes']);
Now, you can create backup without stopping PostgreSQL:
# Detect database information
db_oid=$(psql \
--dbname ${db_name} \
--no-psqlrc \
--no-align \
--tuples-only \
-c "SELECT datid FROM pg_stat_database WHERE datname = '${db_name}'")
data_dir=$(psql \
--dbname ${db_name} \
--no-psqlrc \
--no-align \
--tuples-only \
-c "SHOW data_directory")
# Define directories
# Create backup directory
mkdir -p ${backup_dir}
# Create backup
rsync -a --include '/pgrn*' --exclude '*' --delete ${db_dir}/ ${backup_dir}/
It's recommended that your PGroonga's WAL is truncated. You can run pgroonga_wal_truncate
function in read-only mode:
SELECT pgroonga_wal_truncate();
SELECT pgroonga_command('io_flush', ARRAY['only_opened', 'yes']);
If you truncate PGroonga's WAL, you must create backup again with the above shell script. The process will be fast because rsync
copies only different data.
You must make your PGroonga data writable again:
SELECT pgroonga_set_writable(true);
SELECT pgroonga_command('io_flush', ARRAY['only_opened', 'yes']);