This is a document for PGroonga 2.0.0 or later. See PGroonga 1.X document when you're using PGroonga 1.X.

pgroonga_result_to_recordset function

Since 2.3.0.


pgroonga_result_to_recordset function is similar to pgroonga_result_to_jsonb_objects function.

pgroonga_result_to_recordset function converts pgroonga_command function's result JSON to set of record type. This is similar to PostgreSQL's jsonb_to_recordset function. Generally, set of record type is easier to handle rather than the result JSON.

This will support all result JSON formats of Groonga command but the following commands are only supported for now:


Here is the syntax of this function:

setof record pgroonga_result_to_recordset(result)

result is a jsonb type value. You can cast pgroonga_command function's result text to jsonb to pass it to this function.


Here are sample schema and data:

  content text

CREATE INDEX pgroonga_memos_index
          ON memos
       USING pgroonga (content);

INSERT INTO memos VALUES ('PGroonga (PostgreSQL+Groonga) is great!');
INSERT INTO memos VALUES ('Groonga is an embeddable full text search engine.');

Here is an example to return set of record:

SELECT pgroonga_result_to_recordset(
      'table', pgroonga_table_name('pgroonga_memos_index')
--                pgroonga_result_to_recordset                
-- -----------------------------------------------------------
--  (1,1,"PGroonga (PostgreSQL+Groonga) is great!")
--  (2,2,"Groonga is an embeddable full text search engine.")
-- (2 rows)

You can use the result record set for FROM by specifying column names and types by AS:

  FROM pgroonga_result_to_recordset(
             'table', pgroonga_table_name('pgroonga_memos_index')
       ) AS record(
         _id bigint,
         _key bigint,
         content text
--  _id | _key |                      content                      
-- -----+------+---------------------------------------------------
--    1 |    1 | PGroonga (PostgreSQL+Groonga) is great!
--    2 |    2 | Groonga is an embeddable full text search engine.
-- (2 rows)

See also