This is a document for PGroonga 2.0.0 or later. See PGroonga 1.X document when you're using PGroonga 1.X.
functionSince 2.0.3.
function converts a text into a normalized form using Groonga's normalizer modules.
Here is the syntax of this function:
text pgroonga_normalize(target)
is a text
type value to be normalized. By default, it uses the built-in NormalizerAuto
Here is another syntax of this function:
text pgroonga_normalize(target, normalizer)
is a text
type value which specifies the normalizer module you want to use.
You can normalize a text
type value:
SELECT pgroonga_normalize('aBcDe 123');
-- pgroonga_normalize
-- --------------------
-- abcde 123
-- (1 row)
You can specify the normalizer:
SELECT pgroonga_command('plugin_register normalizers/mysql');
SELECT pgroonga_normalize('aBcDe 123', 'NormalizerMySQLGeneralCI');
-- pgroonga_normalize
-- --------------------
-- ABCDE 123
-- (1 row)
plugin_register normalizers/mysql
is needed to use groonga-normalizer-mysql. It provides some MySQL compatible normalizers.
You can also specify normalizer options:
SELECT pgroonga_normalize('あア', 'NormalizerNFKC130("unify_kana", true)');
-- pgroonga_normalize
-- --------------------
-- ああ
-- (1 row)
You may also specify multiple normalizers. Here is an useless example:
SELECT pgroonga_normalize('あー-ア',
NormalizerNFKC130("unify_kana", true),
NormalizerNFKC130("unify_hyphen_and_prolonged_sound_mark", true)
-- pgroonga_normalize
-- --------------------
-- あ--あ
-- (1 row)