This is a document for PGroonga 2.X. See PGroonga 1.x document when you're using old PGroonga.

pgroonga_command_escape_value function

Since 1.1.9.


pgroonga_command_escape_value function escapes special characters in "value" part of Groonga command format.

Here is an example Groonga command format:

select --table Logs --match_columns message --query Error

select is the command name. --XXX YYY is argument name and value. XXX is argument name. YYY is argument value. For example table is argument name and Logs is argument value in --table Logs.

pgroonga_command_escape_value function is useful to prevent Groonga command injection via pgroonga_command function. See also pgroonga_query_escape function and pgroonga_escape function for preventing Groonga command injection.

If you use pgroonga_command(command, ARRAY[arguments...]) style, you don't need to use this function. Because the style do the same thing of this function internally.


Here is the syntax of this function:

text pgroonga_command_escape_value(value)

value is a text type value. It's a "value" part of Groonga command format.

pgroonga_command_escape_value returns a text type value. All special characters in the text are escaped.


Here are sample schema and data:

  content text

CREATE INDEX pgroonga_memos_index
          ON memos
       USING pgroonga (content);

INSERT INTO memos VALUES ('PGroonga (PostgreSQL+Groonga) is great!');

You get an error with the query "(PostgreSQL" because "(" is a special character:

SELECT jsonb_pretty(
  pgroonga_command('select ' ||
                   '--table ' || pgroonga_table_name('pgroonga_memos_index') || ' ' ||
                   '--match_columns content ' ||
                   '--query (PostgreSQL')::jsonb
--                      jsonb_pretty                      
-- -------------------------------------------------------
--  [                                                    +
--      [                                                +
--          -22,                                         +
--          1480483949.578879,                           +
--          0.0002233982086181641,                       +
--          "[select][table] invalid name: <PostgreSQL>",+
--          [                                            +
--              [                                        +
--                  "grn_select",                        +
--                  "proc_select.c",                     +
--                  2973                                 +
--              ]                                        +
--          ]                                            +
--      ]                                                +
--  ]
-- (1 row)

pgroonga_command_escape_value function with pgroonga_query_escape function can prevent the case:

SELECT jsonb_pretty(
  pgroonga_command('select ' ||
                   '--table ' || pgroonga_table_name('pgroonga_memos_index') || ' ' ||
                   '--match_columns content ' ||
                   '--query ' || pgroonga_command_escape_value(pgroonga_query_escape('(PostgreSQL')))::jsonb
--                         jsonb_pretty                        
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
--  [                                                         +
--      [                                                     +
--          0,                                                +
--          1480432832.061276,                                +
--          0.0252687931060791                                +
--      ],                                                    +
--      [                                                     +
--          [                                                 +
--              [                                             +
--                  1                                         +
--              ],                                            +
--              [                                             +
--                  [                                         +
--                      "_id",                                +
--                      "UInt32"                              +
--                  ],                                        +
--                  [                                         +
--                      "content",                            +
--                      "LongText"                            +
--                  ],                                        +
--                  [                                         +
--                      "ctid",                               +
--                      "UInt64"                              +
--                  ]                                         +
--              ],                                            +
--              [                                             +
--                  1,                                        +
--                  "PGroonga (PostgreSQL+Groonga) is great!",+
--                  1                                         +
--              ]                                             +
--          ]                                                 +
--      ]                                                     +
--  ]
-- (1 row)

You can also use arguments array style pgroonga_command function:

SELECT jsonb_pretty(
                     'table', pgroonga_table_name('pgroonga_memos_index'),
                     'match_columns', 'content',
                     'query', pgroonga_query_escape('(PostgreSQL')
--                         jsonb_pretty                        
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
--  [                                                         +
--      [                                                     +
--          0,                                                +
--          1480433038.482539,                                +
--          0.0001201629638671875                             +
--      ],                                                    +
--      [                                                     +
--          [                                                 +
--              [                                             +
--                  1                                         +
--              ],                                            +
--              [                                             +
--                  [                                         +
--                      "_id",                                +
--                      "UInt32"                              +
--                  ],                                        +
--                  [                                         +
--                      "content",                            +
--                      "LongText"                            +
--                  ],                                        +
--                  [                                         +
--                      "ctid",                               +
--                      "UInt64"                              +
--                  ]                                         +
--              ],                                            +
--              [                                             +
--                  1,                                        +
--                  "PGroonga (PostgreSQL+Groonga) is great!",+
--                  1                                         +
--              ]                                             +
--          ]                                                 +
--      ]                                                     +
--  ]
-- (1 row)

See also